
Lovely Coursework (下)

上一次提及Math Coursework 是有四條題目, 用四版紙印刷, 而且第四題是最麻煩的. 另一方面用四版紙只問四條題目, 會不會太浪費紙張吧? 於是看看第四版的東西, 實果把我嚇一跳, 標題是這樣寫的"2007 Coursework Solutions" 不會吧, 真是今非昔比, 蛤騡除了會隨街跳或上網捉之外, 還會跳入屋, 但是我又怕是一個陷阱, 只好將Solution 放在一旁.

過了幾天, 收到一個電郵:
"Tue, May 08, 2007 -- Coursework
I accidently handed out the solution to q4 with the assignment, so we will ignore this questin for assessment purposes. (In any case you have only just covered the material.) But it would still be good practice to look through the question."
