In Edinburgh
n this few days, I went to Edinburgh. I Visited the Scotch Whisky. It is next to Edinburgh Castle.
what is blog
What is blog? I think Commoncraft can give us some idea.
N i believe we should make comment on each other Blogger as well
N i believe we should make comment on each other Blogger as well
2day I receive a invite from a friend in facebook. He make a website. MCHOW production. There are many nice picture inside.
Gmail Adsense
2day i realize Gmail have adsense on top of their page.
It is a text message. It isn't not easy 2 see that.
It is a text message. It isn't not easy 2 see that.
Group project
I believe group is usually defined as a collection of humans, who share certain characteristics, interact with one another, accept expectations and obligations as members of the group, and share a common identity.
If a group mate can't turn up, we will be difficult to push him!
reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_%28sociology%29
If a group mate can't turn up, we will be difficult to push him!
reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_%28sociology%29
Yahoo! Mail 系統發生故障
Two visitor
Connect the world
Living in hall make life easy. the reason they provide is infinite electron. The rent is including heater, weekday's meal and internet. Unfortunate the network should set the proxy. I can see yahoo front page, but i can use the Skype. Dose anyone know how to do on it.
Yahoo Mail
I always think Yahoo mail is not bad. They have provided "https". As I know they are one of the few Mail provider got this thing in HK. But we should chick the button. Otherwise it hasn't turn-on yet.
From now on, top right corner of the log-in page have a setting. We can set up a few words or a picture. When see that few words or the picture, we can know that page is a Yahoo.
From now on, top right corner of the log-in page have a setting. We can set up a few words or a picture. When see that few words or the picture, we can know that page is a Yahoo.
Yesterday I went to SOGO book shop. There have many Japanese book, and then I saw a book call "吉澤深雪的幸福手繪生活" It show how to draw. The most special idea teach a reader in "still life". I love this book style. I didn't buy this book yet, but i read a few page in the book shop. I think i get something, and I try to draw. I hope it is not bad.
Of coz I need 2 do some more practice
Of coz I need 2 do some more practice
Eye In The Skye
昨日在影碟店借了一隻VCD叫"跟踨" 主演由梁家輝,任達華及徐子珊, 講述警方的刑事情報科跟蹤隊俗稱"狗仔隊",要把一些疑犯找出來,鎖定他們住所,就算一張八達通卡,都能夠令犯人無所鈍盈。現實中確實有不眼睛在街上,CCTV片布每個角落,正好好比“Eye In The Sky" 的意思,例如汽車自死攻繫,警察能從短時間鎖定一眾醫生疑犯.
What are big noise?
Thorpe Park
今日去了Thorpe Park, 乘坐火車由London Waterloo Station 到 Staines, 大約需時30分鐘, 再乘950號巴士,不用5分鐘, 就到Thorpe Park,我覺得它不是一個很大的遊樂場, 比海洋海公園還要少, 但是也玩得很高興. 一顆兒地進入遊樂場, 希望玩把全數過山車都玩, 我只是玩了四種機動遊戲, 那些斬是不太激勵的玩兒. 公會有歐洲中最快的過山車, 加速 0-80 mph 只要 2sec! 不景自己太久沒有進入遊樂場, 不敢玩那些遊戲. 但是止於玩了Tidal Wave, 這是一個由高處匆入水中, 結果是全身都濕透.
Lovely Coursework (下)
上一次提及Math Coursework 是有四條題目, 用四版紙印刷, 而且第四題是最麻煩的. 另一方面用四版紙只問四條題目, 會不會太浪費紙張吧? 於是看看第四版的東西, 實果把我嚇一跳, 標題是這樣寫的"2007 Coursework Solutions" 不會吧, 真是今非昔比, 蛤騡除了會隨街跳或上網捉之外, 還會跳入屋, 但是我又怕是一個陷阱, 只好將Solution 放在一旁.
過了幾天, 收到一個電郵:
"Tue, May 08, 2007 -- Coursework
I accidently handed out the solution to q4 with the assignment, so we will ignore this questin for assessment purposes. (In any case you have only just covered the material.) But it would still be good practice to look through the question."
"砌機"本來不是一些新東西, 全因為機箱會有畫一的規格, 將火牛, 磁碟機及底板等.. 的東西放在一起, 就成了一部電腦, 若要砌一部手提電腦, 我好像沒有看過, 但是前兩天, 有位朋友的手提電腦出了點毛病, 最初是電源接觸不良, 所以無法開啟, 於是他把手提電腦解剖, 用膠帶把電線貼在底板, 不過膠帶此終不足夠強, 然後被他想出用鉗子固定, 正當用力之時, 就聽到一些清楚的"啪", 原來底板後有些小粒, 一個Lan咭就是這樣地粉碎了. "只要能開機, 可看猛片, 就了算吧" 他苦笑說, 就是這樣的不能上網, 只有猛片的生活過了兩天. 又來跟我說, 現在也不行了, 因為昨天特然發出異味, 然後就是眼前一黑.....燒壞了
Lovely Coursework (上)
上星期收到一份Maths Coursework. 心想"無死la, 數學係我強項, 唔攞滿分, 點對得住光忠耀祖", 全份Coursework有四題, 快速完成頭三題, 到最後一題 "integrate: ∫dy ∫ x√((y^2)-1)dx", 吓!! 第一部分"dx"都可以完成, 再要做那個"√((y^2)-1)dy"可以的嗎!? 然後壞主意又出來了, 有問題當然要發問, 要發問不如到Yahoo 知識, 就是這用5分看看能否引起"肥肉"出來, 當然我也不能在那裡守株待兔, 必須找專家, 結果出現"野比大雄"事件, 還是算了吧, 然後寄望各位Yahoo高手, 很快就過了五天, 也是看看高手的意見, 結果有一位朋友回答, 同時他回答是這樣:
我也能明白他的意思"自己的事, 應該自己做", 不過我還是很感謝他給一個會做integration 的網頁, 只怕不太適合"Double Intergral"
我也能明白他的意思"自己的事, 應該自己做", 不過我還是很感謝他給一個會做integration 的網頁, 只怕不太適合"Double Intergral"
音樂可以救人, 令人再次發聲.
Mika: Life in Cartoon Motion
Last week I got a field trip. It takes 6hr on mini bus.
I can listen his song on radio about three times.
And it is "Love Today"
We can watch his MV in Yahoo Music
Mika: Life in Cartoon Motion
Last week I got a field trip. It takes 6hr on mini bus.
I can listen his song on radio about three times.
And it is "Love Today"
We can watch his MV in Yahoo Music
最近都有一些Blog 很喜歡看, 例如 moliuOLOGY, 豬欄, MacGrass.... 要看全部都的話, 就需要一一的按, 總是感到困擾的, 一定要想些辦法, 靈機一動, 不如嘗試Bloglines, 需然不是新事件, 但是我最近才學會使用.
第一件事先要註冊, 用一個E-mail 登記, 打上一些資料, 真假資料就適隨尊便了, 登記完成後, 當然要 Subscribe 一些Blogger, 在Bloglines裏的左上角有" feeds ", 進入後會開了新頁, 再按"add", 右手面會要求打入"Blog or Feed URL:" 這就對了, 以我做例子, 打上" linushk.blogspot.com ", 再按" Subscribe ", 我的blog用了"feedburner" 及一些blogspot 提供的rss, 所以會出現很多選擇, 不過只要選擇那個"http://feeds.feedburner.com/linushk"就可以了, 再把視窗拉下, 按" Subscribe ". 一時貪玩在左方出現了, 每次有新張貼, 都會有數字出現, 數字大細表示新張貼數目
-其實還有很方式Subscribe, 但是我希說出一個通常會成功辦法.
-我個人不會log out Bloglines, 這樣每次回來都可以自動登入了.
第一件事先要註冊, 用一個E-mail 登記, 打上一些資料, 真假資料就適隨尊便了, 登記完成後, 當然要 Subscribe 一些Blogger, 在Bloglines裏的左上角有" feeds ", 進入後會開了新頁, 再按"add", 右手面會要求打入"Blog or Feed URL:" 這就對了, 以我做例子, 打上" linushk.blogspot.com ", 再按" Subscribe ", 我的blog用了"feedburner" 及一些blogspot 提供的rss, 所以會出現很多選擇, 不過只要選擇那個"http://feeds.feedburner.com/linushk"就可以了, 再把視窗拉下, 按" Subscribe ". 一時貪玩在左方出現了, 每次有新張貼, 都會有數字出現, 數字大細表示新張貼數目
-其實還有很方式Subscribe, 但是我希說出一個通常會成功辦法.
-我個人不會log out Bloglines, 這樣每次回來都可以自動登入了.
野比大雄是一個小學五年生. 喜歡午睡, 並保持午睡時以0.93秒的超高入睡速度的世界記錄, 到了早上仍然不起床, 因只忘記時間, 而經常遲到上學, 就算幸運地回到了學校, 還是會上課時睡覺, 又會弄錯東西, 把日子忘記.
Linus 自稱是一個大學生. 每次朋友問到今天有什麼事好做, 總會答覆"睡覺". 有時候因睡得太久, 都把時間忘記了; 英國冬令時, 早上5時跟下午5時的天色都是黑漆漆, 有次睡醒時不能分別早上或下午, 坐在床上想: "自己應該吃早餐或是燒晚飯", 過了良久還是沒有結論.
從前沒有嘗試過遲到上學, 今天終於失守了自己的記錄, 本應9點上課, 但起來時已經9點半, 牙齒也不刷, 只換了衣服, 穿上"人"字鞋就出門. 不用五分鐘到了大樓門口, 發覺大門是鎖上的, "不會吧, 只是遲到半小時, 就落大鉀", 本來昨晚有數學問題不明, 要今天問的, 只好等下一次了, 拿起電話看時間, 差15分鐘就十點了, 而且今天是5月7日..... 呆了半晌, 腦袋後閃出叮噹樣子 "大雄, 今日是公眾假期呀"
Linus 自稱是一個大學生. 每次朋友問到今天有什麼事好做, 總會答覆"睡覺". 有時候因睡得太久, 都把時間忘記了; 英國冬令時, 早上5時跟下午5時的天色都是黑漆漆, 有次睡醒時不能分別早上或下午, 坐在床上想: "自己應該吃早餐或是燒晚飯", 過了良久還是沒有結論.
從前沒有嘗試過遲到上學, 今天終於失守了自己的記錄, 本應9點上課, 但起來時已經9點半, 牙齒也不刷, 只換了衣服, 穿上"人"字鞋就出門. 不用五分鐘到了大樓門口, 發覺大門是鎖上的, "不會吧, 只是遲到半小時, 就落大鉀", 本來昨晚有數學問題不明, 要今天問的, 只好等下一次了, 拿起電話看時間, 差15分鐘就十點了, 而且今天是5月7日..... 呆了半晌, 腦袋後閃出叮噹樣子 "大雄, 今日是公眾假期呀"
Little finger
This afternoon I played basketball, and have a little story. I was tryin 2 catch the ball. Afterward I saw some blood on my center of the palm. I don't feel pain, of course I shout who is bleeding on my hand.... And everyone check themselves, but but nothing wrong with them. And then I check myself as well. It was my little finger bleeding. This is my foolish story on today.
A funny Bicycle
In this week I see a Bicycle/Motorbike. It use electron or human ridding. I know it is not a new thing. Whatever I can see a real thing in front of me. I think it is a news(haha). Also it have a meter between the handles. It look very profession. I think bicycle is more useful. We can go everywhere, and easy to park. Therefore we are not difficult to see one in Brighton.
附加:BBQ party
BBQ 當然不能缺少火爐,當日個火爐貼牆建,火爐燒旺後,發現有個少洞口不斷有些甲蟲爬出,起初只有一兩隻,後來越爬越多,就好像整個大家屬因太熱爬出來.不幸大多已命不久而,或爐令牆身燒得太熱,而就好像是熱鍋上螞蟻,來回不停. 就是這樣令BBQ加了不少野味.
BBQ party
Today is Justin Birthday. And before today have a BBQ party. It was a nice party. I think is it a good time 4 do a BBQ in British. In supermarket we can see lot of Charcoal for sell. In April, here is warm. Some people love sun bath at out door. If the place have grass, there must have people lie on it.
PS. It doesn't mean here is very hot :P
PS. It doesn't mean here is very hot :P
Finish the field trip
It is very scary. Always walk near to some cliff. On a day, the cliff have 150m, and my walking road only good enough 4 a person. Next to me is a cliff go downward near in vertical. We all no chance to say not. The director say his daughter is seven, and happy go with him. Why can't u all not go. I'm just keep quiet.
Also we every day keep 2 write a report. Until one o'clock sleep, then wake up at seven. I asked some people sleep only about three hour a day (nice job).
On the other, Our place have NO mobile signal or TV. On Tuesday, it is Man U vs. AC. Some people want to watch it and call 4 a taxi go to town. Otherwise they have no way to watch. The taxi cost them about 5 pound (about HK$75) for each person. It is expensive.
Sometime we need a mini bus from a site go to other site. It should drive through some narrow. Therefore the side mirror will bang something. I saw that is quite funny.
I take some some picture in there. Sum of all without work, there is a nice place
Also we every day keep 2 write a report. Until one o'clock sleep, then wake up at seven. I asked some people sleep only about three hour a day (nice job).
On the other, Our place have NO mobile signal or TV. On Tuesday, it is Man U vs. AC. Some people want to watch it and call 4 a taxi go to town. Otherwise they have no way to watch. The taxi cost them about 5 pound (about HK$75) for each person. It is expensive.
Sometime we need a mini bus from a site go to other site. It should drive through some narrow. Therefore the side mirror will bang something. I saw that is quite funny.
I take some some picture in there. Sum of all without work, there is a nice place
Finish the frist week
The 1st design week is really difficult. We got a project n think wt elements we need to use, this is a nightmare. Our group has celebrate after Friday, although it does mean we pass already.
On the next week we are goin to have another project. Im lookin 4 next week coming.
A geology in really hard, bcoz it doest have real ans. I have see wt will it be happen.
"god bless everyone"
On the next week we are goin to have another project. Im lookin 4 next week coming.
A geology in really hard, bcoz it doest have real ans. I have see wt will it be happen.
"god bless everyone"
Starbucks Coffee
Some people like coffee, n it can be a ology.
Now in Starbucks, people can make a Starbucks card.
We can put some money in ur card , load it with any amount from £2 to £150,
and then your Card is activated to use whenever their shop.
Also they can protect ur balance if we lose ur card.
So we do need 2 find ur coins 4 buy drinks now!!!
Moreover in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and the U.S. will accept the card.
Now in Starbucks, people can make a Starbucks card.
We can put some money in ur card , load it with any amount from £2 to £150,
and then your Card is activated to use whenever their shop.
Also they can protect ur balance if we lose ur card.
So we do need 2 find ur coins 4 buy drinks now!!!
Moreover in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and the U.S. will accept the card.
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